
Life's Journey

Human connections

Your opinion matters
Your opinion matters
Web Wisdom

The journey of human connection and shared moments help form and strengthen relationships and the bonds we have with other people.

These connections and shared moments or stories are crucial building blocks for personal growth because they provide support, understanding, acceptance and love.

Through these connections, we learn from others, share experiences, and develop important life skills like empathy and compasion.

These human connections are essential for our emotional well-being and play a significant role in helping us grow as individuals, making life more meaningful and fulfilling.

Your Toolbox

Book: Level Up by Rod Dial 2023

Goals = direction + action + time

The fact that you have not been taking action in the past doesn't matter. What matters right now is where you are right now and where you want to go.

The direction you are heading is more important than the speed you're going.

The body, business or relationship you want isn't going to be achieved as quickly as a Google search

Life can either be easy now and hard later or hard now and easy later. You choose.

Direction: Journal prompts

What are your goals regarding your destination?

What action do you need to take, no matter how small, to start your journey towards that destination?

What do you need to stop, start, and continue doing to get there?

In what ways will life be hard now and easy later when it comes to achieving those goals?

What, if anything, do you need to give up in order to achieve those goals?

PeaceBuilders Opinion 1

Connections is the golden thread of life.

It might sound odd, but it often feels that way

There are two imposrtant connections in life. One vertically as we connect on a spiritual level, and one horizontally, as we connect on a human, eye to eye or shoulder to shoulder level.

When it comes down to the wire, we exist so we can connect with other (usually) human beings.

There is a hierarchy of personal preferences, such as family first (not always) then close friends, work, sport, interest, values, etc. You get the point.

Our response is dictated by the current or past experience we had or have with that connection.

Do we withdraw or embrace this human connection?

Was there acceptance or rejection?

Were you respected or even heard? Red flag or green flag.

Did you have fun and enjoy the time together or were you feeling drained and disempowered?

As kids we learn by imitating our parents or guardians. We learn to trust some people and distrust others through experience or instruction.

By the time we reach adulthood we have a wonderful personalized coded story or roadmap in our brain, how we can survive and possibly even thrive.

A life journey that our brain keeps recreating /redesigning for us through experience, assumptions and learning.

Our brain is usually fantastic in crafting stories that keep us safe and looking good, even if it has to tweak the truth a little bit or conveniently “forget” some negative facts.

When trauma or bad stuff happens to us then the same brain jumps into high gear to find the best way to manage all those happenings and emotions and make sense of it all.

Often it is so overwhelming that the intensity of the new information does not get processed right away but packed away in a rush for future processing and response.

We have mountains of information, sensory and chemical experiences mixed into a web of emotions and responses. All very complex systems to keep us alive and well.

Sometimes it is good to step back from the rush of life and very objectively evaluate if things are still what they seem to be.

***The only real way to get the answers we need is to look honestly in a mirror. ***

The mirror being a friend or colleague you can trust. A positive, but grounded voice that is non judgmental and honest.

Yes, always on, social media has distorted life as it used to be and we now can use tech as a gateway to reach and connect with others, but it's sort of the same in a way.

Building trust and interdependence with another human through shared experiences and memory making moments is in my view the primary purpose of life

Author's Opinion 1

Extract from: Owning our Struggles by Minaa B. 2023

The power of connectedness

It is the way we connect with one another that change happens, both personally and in our communities, allowing us to get ahead instead of always feeling left behind and disconnected.

In a job market that is succumbing to rapid automation, the value of human touch, connection, and understanding cannot be overstated.

Human connecting

A relationship based on shared living and not just storytelling through social media.

Author's Opinion 2

Extract from book: It's on me by Sara Kuburic 2023

How we understand life, is how we live it.

How we understand our Self is how we be(come) it.


Authenticity is not your given or preconceived nature (although that sounds great), rather , authenticity is the process of deciding and creating who you are. Authentiity is a way of existing that is achieved by accepting the burden of responsability, choice, and freedom. Authenticity requires participation.


Freedom is the abiity you have to make decitions. You can say yes or, alternatively you can say no. We always have the freedom of choice. In most cases we are free to act, and in some extreme and opressive ciscumstances, we are left with only the freedom to create meaning.


Responcibility is taking ownership of your decitions and actions. You are the author of your life. Your existance always come back to you. All that you are is connected to a world that constantly asks you to engage with it.


To search for meaning is to see and understand what something is - or what you are- here for. It is finding purpose and value in your experiences. Instaed of asking "What should I ask of life?" re-center by asking "What is life asking of me?"

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Updated: November 2023

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