
Team Activity

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A team is defined as a group of people who perform interdependent tasks to work toward a common mission or specific objective or goal.

We were built to be on a team with purpose and a mission.

If our family is not a team then our kids will just find another team to join.

The team should be a team and not a club or a group. A club often just suports the induvidual needs and does not always promote interdependance and accountability to others for a shared outcome.

Book to read: Hold on to your kids. Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate. Small acts of team creation and reinforcement.

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Team questions:

What is our mission?

What is important to us?

Why are we here?

Why do we exist?

What differentiates us from others?

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PeaceBuilders Opinion 1

PeaceBuilders is built on the idea that we are all part of a community team, called humanity. We can choose the level we want to participate and be involved in it but it is difficult to escape100% of the time. How we interact with this "team" willingly or unwillingly often relates to our own life story, experience or culture.

Team members might have differences of thought and opinion as we rub shoulders in our day to day interactions. This connection or friction often triggers our feelings and emotion and influenses how we respond or feel. It is however the primary mission and purpose of a team that helps drive the team forward.

The hope is that PeaceBuilders can help direct you to find a local team where you can have a connection and the team support to have a deeper sense of personal emotional health and hapiness.

PeaceBuilders Society and all its Service Provider members are there to help make this possible. You can read more about this society at

Author's Opinion

Book extracts: Take back your family - Jefferson Bethke

Industrialization - production and meaning

Families - trustee, domestic, atomanistic (nuclear)

Clubs - inward focus, individuals, shared belonging, activity

Teams - outward focused, collective mission, shared identity

A life of fewer regrets

Intentional living - purpose, things that matter

Clubs vs teams

Clubs are shallower, softer, internally focused (instead of outwardly mission focused) groups that often only parody powerful and strong teams; And because of that they rarely get to the level of depth, memory and longevity that teams can.

A lot of families in west are simply a form of club.

A place to hang out and belong.

You are in the club for you. For your fulfillment and personal gain.

You are not there to be connected or called up into a deeper story. In a club people are dispensable.

Clubs, like factories, are held together by shared belonging and shared activity.

Teams are different. Like farms, they are longer vision but collective missions. Teams need each other.

Clubs are about the individual where teams are about the group.

Clubs are about shared belonging and shared activity, but teams are about shared identity or a mission. Mission is the glue.

Getting family to work together to a shared goal.

Families are born to be teams and have natural giftings and wiring to do so. It's our western culture and conditioning that got us sidetracked.

**We need each other. (interdependence) **

Individuals depend on themselves, teams depend on each other.

Author's Opinion 3

Key Points: AI Summary

‘Me’ Awareness: Involves understanding your own feelings and needs (e.g., hunger, tiredness) and recognizing how they may change over time. This self-awareness helps in making better decisions and relating to others honestly.

‘You’ Awareness: Focuses on understanding the other person’s experiences and feelings without trying to influence or convince them. It's crucial for empathy and effective communication.

‘Us’ Awareness: Centers on the relationship and finding solutions that satisfy both parties. It emphasizes collaboration and mutual respect, aiming for win/win outcomes to avoid conflicts and power struggles.

Handouts: Home Improvement: Men in Relationship Jan 2024


Me, you and us awareness

‘Me” awareness: paying attention to me

Are you hungry? Warm? Cold? Tired? Angry? We all need to develop the capacity to know ourselves … not only what is true in the moment, but what is true over time. (our core beliefs and values)

Some things that are true right now wont be true in an hour. (hungry/ eat something, tired/ take a nap) but other feelings may be more complex.

Taking time to focus on what you are feeling is a very important skill that helps us make good decisions about how we relate to others.

Becoming more self - aware helps us become honest with ourselves about our feelings and it helps us to react to others appropriately.

“You” awareness; paying attention to the other person

This is very different and separate from ‘me’ awareness. It is the ability and capacity to pay attention to what is happening for the other person.

It is not about you, or explaining yourself, or convincing the other person, or about trying to prove anything to anyone. It is simply the ability to pay attention to the other person.

You don't need to agree or disagree with them. It's not about you, it's about what the other person is experiencing and saying.

‘You’ awareness is an important skill in bringing people together.

‘Us’ awareness; paying attention to the relationship

**‘Us’ awareness is all about the relationship. **

What you want or need is one bookend; what the other person wants or needs is the other bookend. In between the two bookends are many possibilities.

In ‘Us’ awareness both people care about finding solutions that meet the needs of both parties.

When two people work together to find mutually beneficial outcomes they build a relationship based on respect and honesty.

When we focus on ‘me’ awareness only, one person must win and another person must lose or one is right and one is wrong.

When we focus on ‘us’ awareness there are many possibilities - what you want/ need is as important as what the other person wants/ needs.

Need to focus on both wants/ needs and come up with a win/ win situation.

This avoids a power struggle in the relationship.

Your Opinion Matters
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Updated: November 2023

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At last we have an online connector of local programs and services all in one place! Well done, this is so great.

- Don, Mission, BC, Canada