Life Transitions

Parenting & Co-parenting

A difficult road

Your opinion matters
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Web Wisdom

Co-parenting means both parents work together to take care of their children, even after they’ve separated.

They still share decisions about things like school, sports, and family events. Both parents may need to change their work schedules to make sure they can be there for their kids. Sometimes, they don’t always agree on things, which can be hard for kids to handle.

It’s not always easy to get along after a divorce, but co-parents try their best to put their kids first and communicate well. When parents share responsibilities equally, like a 50/50 split of time, it can help kids have a balanced life, with time for school, activities, and friends.

Co-parenting takes teamwork and understanding from both parents to make it work.


Your Toolbox 2

How To Handle An Uncooperative Co-Parent Situations

Address Issues Early. ...

Set Emotional Boundaries. ...

Let Go of What You Can't Control. ...

Use Non-Combative Language. ...

Stick to Your Commitments. ...

Know Their / Your Triggers. ...

Encourage a Healthy Relationship with the Kids.

Avoid Direct Contact with the Uncooperative Co-Parent.

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PeaceBuilders Opinion 1

There are three main ways parents can handle co-parenting after a divorce:

Parallel Parenting: When parents don’t agree much, they don’t work together. They keep their distance and avoid talking to each other.

Cooperative Co-Parenting: Parents work together to make decisions for their child. They listen to each other and try to do what's best for the child.

Conflicted Co-Parenting: When parents argue a lot and can’t agree on how to parent. This often makes things hard for their children, who may feel stuck in the middle.

Co-parents face issues like arguing about schedules, talking badly about each other, or not being consistent with rules. It’s important for parents to listen, stay calm, and work together for the kids' sake.


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Updated: November 2023

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