Journey to possibility
Depression is a mental health condition, that left untreated, can lead to serious outcomes.
Depression is more than sadness or feeling blue.
While feeling sad, and sometimes hopeless and helpless, depression can also signal it's time for you to consider asking for help.
Getting help and gaining skills so you can cope and manage your depression will help you develop life skills that will contribute to your well being over the long term.
Most adults experience depression over their lifetime but it is temporary and situational.
Chronic depression needs professional care
With the right team, tools and strategies, you can manage or overcome depression and open the door to better mental wellness
Heads Up Guys - For men. About Men
Provides an online resource to support men in their fight against depression.
Offers information on the symptoms, triggers and risk factors of depression, as well as stories of success and where to find professional services. Also provides a self-check depression screening tool.
Funding provided by the Movember Foundation and affiliated with the Men's Depression and Suicide Network.
Movember looks at mental health through a male lens, focusing on prevention, early intervention and health promotion.
We’re working towards a world where men take action to be mentally well, and are supported by those around them.
Feeling sad, anxious or depressed
Postpartum depression in men
Depression, the secret we share
How the worst moments in our lives make us who we are
The mental illness happy hour
The bridge between suicide and life
Why we get depressed
Book: Why has nobody told me this before? By Dr Julie Smith 2022 On Dark Places
**1. Understanding low mood: ** - Depression Topic
Everyone has low days. Everyone. But we all differ in how frequent the low days are and how severe the low mood.
Low mood gives you the urge to do the things that make your mood worse.
Fig 1. The downward spiral of low mood. How a few days of low mood can spiral into depression.
Breaking the cycle is easier to do if we recognize it early and act on it. Adapted from Gilbert (1997)
Summary: Mood fluctuations are normal. Nobody is happy all the time. But we don't have to be at the mercy of it either.
There are things we can do that help. Feeling down is more likely to reflect unmet needs than a brain malfunction. Each moment of our lives can be broken down into the different aspects of our experience.
Those things all influence each other. It shows us how we get stuck in a downward spiral of low mood or even depression. Our emotions are constructed through a number of things we can influence.
We cannot directly choose our emotions and switch them on but we can use the things that we can control to change how we feel. Using the cross-sectional formulation Fig 2 helps to increase awareness of what is impacting on our mood and keeping us stuck.
2. Mood pitfalls to watch out for Go to: Emotional Pain Topic
This website is for information only. It represents the unproven opinions / thoughts of various authors or collaborating partners.
This website and its content is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional medical or counselling advice.
PeaceBuilders Network and/ or associate organizations specifically disclaim any and all liability contained in or linked to this website.
A health-care professional should be consulted regarding your specific medical condition.
If you have a medical, mental health or other emergency, then reach out to the local emergency services helpline or hospital.
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Updated: November 2023
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