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A carefree child...

then what happened?

What happened to our happiness?

Yes, we became adults and life sucks sometimes...

We can however, turn things around if we really want to...

Life can be ok, but first we need to be ready for change.

Then we need to have the practical tools and some human support.

PeaceBuilders makes this a possibility !

Lets start the journey right now.

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Book: Happy Mind Happy Life - Dr Rangan Chatterjee 2022

I'd like you to take a few seconds to recall a moment from your childhood when you felt truly happy.

Imagine it fully: picture the colors, smell the smells, feel the weather on your cheeks and the ground beneath your feet.

Where were you? Outside perhaps? Barefoot on a sunny day, playing with a group of friends , lost in the sheer pleasure of a game.

You weren't anxious about the future. You weren't fretting about the past. You were entirely in the moment, filled to the brim with the simple joy of being alive.

So what happened? Why aren't you that person any longer? Where did all that happiness go?

I know that life can feel tough at times. Many of us feel overwhelmed and close to burnout, with too many things to do and not enough time to do them.

But whether you are struggling to keep your head above water or you simply want to feel a little bit happier than you currently are, you have come to the right place.

We will help you improve your health and your happiness. And the good news is it's easier than you think.

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Hardwiring happiness: Dr. Rick Hanson at TEDxMarin 2013

PeaceBuilders Opinion 1


I think if each of us has a chance to comment on what happiness means to us we will get many different answers. Yet happiness is something we all seem to be looking for. At home, at work, in our relationships, in our behavior or habits or choices… it never seems to satisfy and just moves out of reach or when we grasp it slips away.

If only I have this or achieve that ….. Or win the lotto!

Happiness I have come to realize is not necessarily stuff or pleasures of life, it is to me a state of mind or choices I make. It is how I choose to respond to life, things and people connected to this life and the world around me.

Happiness is a mind shift and being happy to me is a conscious choice. I choose to feel and be happy.

That does not mean I run around all the time laughing my head off or making light of difficult situations. It means looking for the good in people and situations or the learning we get from experiencing and living life.

People say happiness is overrated. I say happiness for me is being and feeling content within myself in spite of life throwing big curve balls at me from time to time.

I definitely connect my happiness to a deeper awareness or sense of peacefulness, whatever that might look like.

I found my level of happiness is definitely related to how much I can give of myself to others. The more I give, as crazy as it sounds, the happier I feel.

I believe there is a fine balance that we all maintain and keep us focused and content.

Author's Opinion 1

Book: Why has nobody told me this before? By Dr Julie Smith 2022 On Meaningful Life

32. The problem with “I just want to be happy” - Happiness Topic


We are often sold the idea that happiness is the norm and anything outside of that could be a mental health problem.

Sometimes we are not happy because we are human and life is difficult.

Things that make life worthwhile bring us more than just happy feelings.

They bring us a mix of happiness, love, joy, fear, shame and hurt at times too.

Getting clarity on our personal values can guide us on setting goals that will bring meaning and purpose.

Keeping our values front and center also help us persevere through painful points in life knowing we’re on the right path.

33. Working out what matters Go To: Authors Opinion - Values

Author's Opinion 2

Book: Happy Mind Happy Life - Dr Rangan Chatterjee 2022

Happiness isn't some impossible distant destination, or state of mind reserved for the privileged.

It’s trainable and accessible to everyone. And yes, it definitely means you.

If you practice happiness a little bit, you’ll become a little bit happier. If you practice a lot, you’ll become transformed.

You will find you have a brand-new relationship with yourself.

You will understand yourself in a way that is fresh and freeing and beautiful.

You will discover that much of your identity has been built for you and not by you; that you have been pushed into shape by our “consumption” culture, living in a cage that's been constructed for you.

PeaceBuilders , this Happy Mind Happy Life book by Dr Chatterjee and the many other books and links on our website, hopefully not only opens your eyes to this cage; it's given you the keys to the lock. It enables you to break out, a better, happier person than you ever thought possible.

Although we can give you the keys, we can't force you to put it in the lock. The only person that can do that is you. So what are you waiting for?

It's time to start.

Author's Opinion 3

Extract from book: Gentle Power - Elizabeth Lahti 2022

Sisu" is a concept and way of living that has been interwoven into Finnish culture for more than 500 years. It has no direct translation, but it is focused on determination and fortitude. It's about having the grit to push forward in the face of adversity and near-impossible odds.

1. Find a purpose outside of yourself.

According to research from psychologist Angela Duckworth, we can endure so much more when we work towards something that contributes to the world beyond ourselves.

When you take on a new challenge or need the strength to continue, find a greater purpose to connect with. It can be your family or friends, or someone who inspires you, or a cause that is close to your heart.

2. Increase resilience through training.

Leading up to the run, I trained nearly every day for two years. I laced up my running shoes even when I didn't want to. I always showed up, rain or shine.

Practice and preparation makes it easier to harness our inner sisu. Studies show that our bodies have hidden reserves that it naturally draws upon when we need them most.

So the more we challenge ourselves, the more we pick up on habits that bolster our resilience. Focusing on my breathing to calm my nervous system was the strategy that improved my running.

3. Be gentle with yourself and connect with nature.

I used to think that in order to be successful, I had to be hard on myself. But there's a limit to how far you can go if you don't balance toughness with compassion.

I got injured once during my training period. I had to ask myself whether to quit or push myself even more.

But I decided on a third option: I let my body heal. And since I was no longer trying to meet a breakneck pace, I got to spend more time appreciating the beauty of the landscape around me during my expedition.

It helps us find an inner calm and sense of happiness that serves us during hard times.

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Updated: November 2023

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