Local PeaceBuilders
A caring community
Peacebuilding seeks to address the underlying causes of conflict, helping people to resolve their differences peacefully and lay the foundations to prevent future violence.
Peacebuilding is an activity that aims to resolve injustice in nonviolent ways and to transform the cultural and structural conditions that generate deadly or destructive conflict.
It revolves around developing constructive personal, group, and political relationships across ethnic, religious, class, national, and racial boundaries.
The process includes violence prevention; conflict management, resolution, or transformation; and post-conflict reconciliation or trauma healing before, during, and after any given case of violence
PeaceBuilding is a choice. You can choose to be kinder or caring by saying and or doing more positive, encouraging words and actions; or you can choose to be the hard know it all person that is always negative and unkind.
We are all the product of our unique stories, memories and experiences. Life has shaped us up to this very moment. However, with a willingness for positive change and support from people close to us or the local community, we can transform our life or situation.
We can all learn to become better at PeaceBuilding, and we as the collective and the individual, will benefit the most from a new focus and actions. To be more tolerant of our and others imperfections, and more appreciative of our diversity and our humanity.
PeaceBuilding starts at home. If we learn how to build peace in our everyday relationships, then we can possibly manage our conflicts better, with better outcomes for all
This website is for information only. It represents the unproven opinions / thoughts of various authors or collaborating partners.
This website and its content is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional medical or counselling advice.
PeaceBuilders Network and/ or associate organizations specifically disclaim any and all liability contained in or linked to this website.
A health-care professional should be consulted regarding your specific medical condition.
If you have a medical, mental health or other emergency, then reach out to the local emergency services helpline or hospital.
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All webpages and all artwork has been minted as NFTs for exclusive use by PeaceBuilders Network and/ or their representatives.
No part of this website or content may be used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of PeaceBuilders Network and/ or their representatives, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles or reviews.
Updated: November 2023
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At last we have an online connector of local programs and services all in one place! Well done, this is so great.
- Don, Mission, BC, Canada